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Clacks Freegle

One persons trash is another person treasure !
Founded 11th June, 2005. 3,598 current freeglers.

Give and get stuff for free from your neighbours in and around Clacks. Offer things you don't need, and ask for things you'd like. Don't just recycle - reuse with Freegle!


Items must be free and legal

Items can't be lent, swapped or sold

We do not accept posts for animals/living creatures

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WANTED posts will be auto-reposted after 7 days.

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Chest of drawers

Sauchie FK10
6th February, 2025 21:01 on Clacks Freegle
Looking for a chest of drawers for a friend who is furnishing a flat with extra bedrooms. Ideally a chest with 4 or more drawers and in good condition, suitable for a bedroom.

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