Freegle has artwork for banners that you can print (either yourselves or professionally) to promote Freegle at events, at HWRCs or anywhere else! If you would like the artwork personalised for your council, please email
Landscape banner
Right click on this link to save the PDF artwork.
Vertical stand banner
Right click on this link to save the PDF artwork.
Why use Freegle? What’s in it for councils?
- Case study - Cumbria
- Case study - Essex
- Case study - Sutton
- Freegle Focus - Bulky Waste
- Freegle Focus - Social Housing
- Freegle Focus - Climate Emergency
Working with Freegle volunteers
Making Freegle work best for your council
- Reducing fly-tipping
- Making Freegle visible on your websites
- Discussing Freegle with residents
- Talking to residents about bulky waste
- Household Waste Recycling Centres - the Freegle alternative
- How Freegle can help right across your authority
- Promoting your events and campaigns using Freegle
- Christmas toolkit
- Valentine's Day toolkit