Free To Use - Not Free To Run!
Thank you! It's nice of you to even think about supporting us.
We provide a free service and keep costs low thanks to our large number of committed volunteers - but there are some things we have to pay for to keep going.
Freegle is relatively unusual, especially in the charity world. Most websites host read-only content which changes quite rarely, for a relatively small number of active users. We have an active service where there are changes happening continuously, and we send out hundreds of thousands of emails a day. You can certainly get a cheap and cheerful charity website that doesn’t do much for a few quid a year, but you can’t run something like Freegle that way. It’s a different kettle of fish. It’s not even a kettle, and they’re not fish.
If you can, please donate £3.
...but anything you can give is very welcome.
Please set us as your favourite PayPal charity
This will make it easier to donate a little to Freegle when you're checking out using PayPal. Go to our page on PayPal Giving Fund and click the Set as favourite charity link.
Here's how it looks:
Other ways to Donate
You can also donate by bank transfer to sort code 60-83-01, account number 20339094. The name of the account is Freegle Limited, and the bank is Unity Trust Bank.
If you do this, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration here.
You can donate by cheque.
Please make it payable to Freegle Limited and send to Freegle, 64A North Road, Ormesby, Great Yarmouth NR29 3LE. Please include your Freegle email, so we can work out who it comes from!
If you do this, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration here.
You can support us for free when you shop using Give As You Live .
Please click here to find out more:
![Give As You Live](/GAYL.gif)